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Art, coffee, and an extra shot of guilt

Veterans’ Day is one of the few holidays on which the bank where Sam and I work is closed, but our daycare center is open.One could make a compelling argument for keeping the kids home and having an extra Saturday. Our weekdays are busy and our weekends are...

Welcome, Felix

Dear Felix,Welcome to the world, little guy.You may have heard the rumor that, as the second-born, you’re already holding the short end of the stick. I didn’t blog about you all through pregnancy, your crib is a hand-me-down, and it’s inevitable that...

The Dinosaur Room

We had looked at 5 houses already that day. By all definitions, Evie was a trooper. She led us through each house like a pint-sized realtor, saying “That’s a nice kitchen” or “Time to go upstairs!” By the time we got to the last house, it...

March 2010: What a View

Oh, what a difference a year makes.Last year at this time, I was preparing for Evie’s second birthday, trying in vain to imagine a way out of Reno, and (since large-scale change felt nearly impossible) focusing on incremental changes such as exercising regularly...

A letter to Evie on her 2nd birthday

Dear Evie,Another year has passed, and what a fun one! For the first time, you seem to understand the concept of birthdays – well, sort of. You’re still fixated on your friend Nofar’s birthday, which was two weeks ago, but I can understand why it...

Farewell to Bada

This morning, in response to some earnest whimpers, I walked into Evie’s room. She was lying on her tummy under a blanket, looking snuggly, but sans pacifier.She raised her head to look at me. “Evie binkie?”I grabbed a green Soothie from the backup...

How to Bake a Red Smoosh Cake

Step 1: Decide on a whim and a craving to bake the red velvet cupcakes you saw in an ad in Parents magazine.Step 2: Go to Safeway to purchase cupcake fixin’s. Decide not to purchase cupcake papers, since you’ve had a box of them in the cabinet for...

And so it ends

On Wednesday, I landed in Minneapolis and gave the best training presentation I could, interviewed with a group of friendly, fun people, and left Maybe Future Office with an overwhelming feeling of joy and self-satisfaction.On Thursday, I drove to the housing...