by Monica Wiant | Nov 10, 2010 | Uncategorized
I should blog more.That’s what I tell myself, anyway. Fairly often. The other night, I read through some of my older posts, and I loved having those mile markers of my own history and snapshots of Evie’s babyhood. I even had a few moments when I read a...
by Monica Wiant | Sep 6, 2010 | Uncategorized
…but my children seem to be afraid of it.Evie, April 2007:Felix, September 2010:
by Monica Wiant | Jul 21, 2010 | Uncategorized
Dear Felix,Welcome to the world, little guy.You may have heard the rumor that, as the second-born, you’re already holding the short end of the stick. I didn’t blog about you all through pregnancy, your crib is a hand-me-down, and it’s inevitable that...
by Monica Wiant | Mar 12, 2010 | Uncategorized
We had looked at 5 houses already that day. By all definitions, Evie was a trooper. She led us through each house like a pint-sized realtor, saying “That’s a nice kitchen” or “Time to go upstairs!” By the time we got to the last house, it...
by Monica Wiant | Mar 9, 2010 | Uncategorized
Oh, what a difference a year makes.Last year at this time, I was preparing for Evie’s second birthday, trying in vain to imagine a way out of Reno, and (since large-scale change felt nearly impossible) focusing on incremental changes such as exercising regularly...
by Monica Wiant | Mar 21, 2009 | Uncategorized
Dear Evie,Another year has passed, and what a fun one! For the first time, you seem to understand the concept of birthdays – well, sort of. You’re still fixated on your friend Nofar’s birthday, which was two weeks ago, but I can understand why it...