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…and so, it continues

It’s amazing, the rate at which a little person grows.Today, I watched Evie realize that when she waved at me, and I waved at her, there was a connection between the two gestures. She had waved at me before, but it wasn’t until this morning that she...

These are the days

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.It was a low-key, intimate family gathering.I had much to be thankful for.The plentiful and tasty food was only a small part of it.It’s almost too easy to list the things I’m thankful for.Cute little baby sounds.The way Evie...

Snapshots: Four months and counting

In less than one week, Evie will be five months old. I’ve finally figured out how this happened. It’s based on the principles of Parent Time:The Primary Principle of Parent TimeDuring the first three months of your child’s life, time will slow to a...

Would you read this book?

Premise: A book about caring for and nurturing your marriage (or long-term romantic relationship) in the first year of your child’s life.Tone: Informative and witty.The authors: Me and Sam, in alternating chapters.Working title: “There’s no I in...

She’s drooling at a four-month level!

As a new parent, it’s easy to become obsessed with milestones.I often pull out my copy of “What to Expect in the First Year” to see how Evie measures up against the monthly checklists.In most areas, Evie is a superstar.She is 3 1/2 months old, and...


Today is Evie’s last day of that seldom-discussed age between 12 weeks and 3 months.As children grow, the units for measuring their ages grow longer. People speak of 2-day-olds, 6-week-olds, 8-month-olds, and 4-year-olds.People warn me to be careful, that...