by Monica Wiant | Jun 12, 2007 | Uncategorized
When I was a child, I loved my animals.Baby dolls were boring. Cabbage Patch Kids freaked me out. I only played Barbies under extreme duress from my friends.I shared my bedroom with approximately two dozen stuffed animals. If I try hard, I can form hazy pictures of a...
by Monica Wiant | May 29, 2007 | Uncategorized
This is the last day of my maternity leave. It’s been twelve weeks since my doctor advised a very pregnant me to stop working.It is hard not to feel a twinge of disappointment in myself.I didn’t do a scrapbooking project. I didn’t write every day. I...
by Monica Wiant | May 12, 2007 | Uncategorized
The crackle of the baby monitor jolts me out of a dream. The room is silent. I wonder if I dreamed the whole thing. A moment later, I hear the next in a series of staccato pleas that intensify as I throw off the down comforter and roll my legs toward the floor.As I...
by Monica Wiant | May 2, 2007 | Uncategorized
No matter how snugly I place it on her head, that hat will be gone the moment I turn around.Yes, there is a difference among diaper brands.Man has never created a baby toy as fascinating to gaze upon as the track lighting in my kitchen.Compared to staying home, my job...
by Monica Wiant | Apr 8, 2007 | Uncategorized
Today has been Easter.It was Evie’s first holiday.To prepare, Sam and I ventured to BabyGap and bought her an irresponsibly cute dress.This morning, we brought her to church, where I was terrified of being Those People With the Baby.Nobody wants to sit next to...
by Monica Wiant | Apr 5, 2007 | Uncategorized
It’s hard for me to believe, but I’ve successfully kept Evangeline alive for over two weeks now.Of course, I can’t take all the credit. Sam unlocked his latent super-Dad gene, and my mother just left town two days ago. Nonetheless, I feel proud of my...