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I loved…

When I was a child, I loved my animals.Baby dolls were boring. Cabbage Patch Kids freaked me out. I only played Barbies under extreme duress from my friends.I shared my bedroom with approximately two dozen stuffed animals. If I try hard, I can form hazy pictures of a...


This is the last day of my maternity leave. It’s been twelve weeks since my doctor advised a very pregnant me to stop working.It is hard not to feel a twinge of disappointment in myself.I didn’t do a scrapbooking project. I didn’t write every day. I...

Elegy to a feeding

The crackle of the baby monitor jolts me out of a dream. The room is silent. I wonder if I dreamed the whole thing. A moment later, I hear the next in a series of staccato pleas that intensify as I throw off the down comforter and roll my legs toward the floor.As I...

Evie’s first Easter

Today has been Easter.It was Evie’s first holiday.To prepare, Sam and I ventured to BabyGap and bought her an irresponsibly cute dress.This morning, we brought her to church, where I was terrified of being Those People With the Baby.Nobody wants to sit next to...

Getting to know Mom

It’s hard for me to believe, but I’ve successfully kept Evangeline alive for over two weeks now.Of course, I can’t take all the credit. Sam unlocked his latent super-Dad gene, and my mother just left town two days ago. Nonetheless, I feel proud of my...