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Baby day: A running commentary

8:20 a.m.:Mood: Bored but cheerful. Pain level: Minimal. Baby: Snug as a bug in a rug.It’s been four hours since we checked into the hospital, and I’ve finally figured out how to a) connect to the wireless network, b) type with one arm connected to an IV...

A cavalcade of late-night emotions

It’s midnight.In five hours, I’ll be checking into the hospital. Then, if all goes as planned, it is highly probably that my daughter will be born sometime tomorrow.It’s almost too much to comprehend.I’m running the gamut of emotions right...

3 Open Letters

Dear Cadbury Company,I understand that, in the Christian tradition, Lent is a time of conscious suffering. Enduring Gestational Diabetes while your delicious products beckon from the grocery shelves has been my personal walk through the desert (on swollen feet). For...

What’s in a Ras-Birthday?

There’s a Ras-Birthday on the horizon.This morning, my doctor told me that, barring any unforeseen developments, she’d like to induce labor on March 21st.It’s reassuring to have the date set. It’s a bit later than I expected (39 weeks and 1...

Ready or not…. here she comes…. maybe?

Be ready.Ever since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes over two months ago, my doctor has been trying to prepare me for the possible medical interventions that Rasbaby and I might need.Be ready for a lot of medical tests. Be ready for an amniocentisis. Be ready...