by Monica Wiant | Feb 11, 2007 | Uncategorized
Yesterday, Sam and I attended a baby shower thrown in our honor.Even though they’re usually hokey, I love baby and bridal showers. I love helping people celebrate joyful milestones. I love giving gifts.Mostly, I love the feeling of anticipation that permeates...
by Monica Wiant | Feb 2, 2007 | Uncategorized
Yesterday, I went to the doctor for a Rasbaby checkup. It was great to see her on the ultrasound, although I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get to take home any photos.Here’s what I learned about my favorite little fetus:She weighs...
by Monica Wiant | Jan 31, 2007 | Uncategorized
I used to think it was silly to speak of pregnancy in anything but absolutes.Could someone really be “very pregnant” or “kind of pregnant?” Wasn’t it a yes/no situation? A matter of black and white, or, as the test would indicate, pink or...
by Monica Wiant | Jan 17, 2007 | Uncategorized
I can’t stop thinking about the ship in the bottle.It’s a visual paradox.Most people see the ship and wonder, “How did it get in there?”I’m contemplating the neck of the bottle and instead thinking, “How badly would you have to...
by Monica Wiant | Jan 6, 2007 | Uncategorized
I was going to stop by Happy Hour, have a Diet Coke with my beer-loving friends, and then head home. I needed to eat dinner no later than 6:30. Perhaps I would have salmon. Then, I might visit MySpace or check in on my Sims.I was thinking rather mundane thoughts as I...
by Monica Wiant | Jan 4, 2007 | Uncategorized
I can’t believe it’s already 2007.The last few weeks seem to have flashed by in fast-forward.Rasbaby’s negative-first Christmas.Boxing Day.Back to work again, then another long weekend.I enjoyed my most pleasant New Year’s Eve in several years....